Our Organization
In 2009 Leon and Brenda Hays decided to become full time missionaries.
They sold everything they owned and traveled to Kenya to start Asembo Bay Life Center, Rarieda Relief International, a humanitarian relief mission.
With an M.S. in Religious Education, from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and a B.S. in Religion from Union University as well as extensive career experience in Farming, Carpentry and Business Management, Leon says that God was preparing him for the most important job of his life in creating a mission to the people in Asembo Bay, Kenya. To the Hays, this is an evangelistic effort accomplished through humanitarian relief.
What we do at Asembo Bay Life Center
Leon says: "We have 20 acres on which we’ve created several programs physically and spiritually assisting widows and orphans. Minimal staff live onsite to serve visiting mission teams from Madison-Chester and Crockett Baptist Assn. Southern Baptist Churches. Teams from all churches are welcome.
We have a kitchen facility that is separate from our team housing units.
At this point we run:
The Animal Empowerment Program
Young Women's Empowerment Program
We also serve meals to up to 100 local orphans at a time and provide medical clinics to take care of health problems."
" We attempt to show people the love of Jesus."